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Looking for advice from current PA students for one whose applying!

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Can anyone give me any feedback on my stats?

Thank you all! Hoping to join you all soon.

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Hello Everyone,

I am a current student who is applying to PA school.

I currently hold:

cumulative GPA:3.5

Science GPA: 3.03

Health Care Experience 2,500-3,000

Patient Care Experience 2,500 

Volunteer Hours 700-800

Shadowing experience (60 Hours, PA's in 3 different specialties) and (10 hours of a NP)

Have not taken the GRE quite yet.


Honors College, Honors Peer Mentor, Dean's List, + Some of my volunteer hours are from volunteering outside of the US in a underserved population.

1st generation college student, went to school with high amount of sub. lunches, bilingual and come from a low income family.

Can yon you give me any feedback on my stats? Also, maybe some schools you have applied to and your experiences? Thanks! 😄

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