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Another "C"

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So i retook chem II this semester hoping to get an A or B so i could replace my C from my first year of undergrad. Sadly....I got a C again. I tried so hard. I even reached out to my professor for help multiple times but sadly she wasn't a great help. I just graduated a few days ago and so far this is my one bad grade out of all of my pre-req. How badly would this affect my application? I wish i never retook this class at my college cause the professor for this department aren't helpful. 

This is my stats so far: 

cGPA: 3.4

sGPA: Haven't calculated yet. 

PCE: 3,000+

Volunteer: 100

Shadow: 100+


Please any advice would help.

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So i retook chem II this semester hoping to get an A or B so i could replace my C from my first year of undergrad. Sadly....I got a C again. I tried so hard. I even reached out to my professor for help multiple times but sadly she wasn't a great help. I just graduated a few days ago and so far this is my one bad grade out of all of my pre-req. How badly would this affect my application? I wish i never retook this class at my college cause the professor for this department aren't helpful. 

This is my stats so far: 

cGPA: 3.4

sGPA: Haven't calculated yet. 

PCE: 3,000+

Volunteer: 100

Shadow: 100+


Please any advice would help.


Don’t sweat it and move on. Compute you sGPA; it shouldn’t be that hard to do. If it’s low, take something new. Hopefully you don’t have lots of Cs in your prereqs.



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On 5/9/2019 at 9:23 PM, ttnPA said:

So i retook chem II this semester hoping to get an A or B so i could replace my C from my first year of undergrad. Sadly....I got a C again. I tried so hard. I even reached out to my professor for help multiple times but sadly she wasn't a great help. I just graduated a few days ago and so far this is my one bad grade out of all of my pre-req. How badly would this affect my application? I wish i never retook this class at my college cause the professor for this department aren't helpful. 


Did any classmates get a grade higher than a C?

If the teacher is of no help, I would ask a classmate, seek out a tutor, or start a study group.

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