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Academic probation

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Hello I read the forum about...what are my chances? Here's ur answer. It's very good. 

Yet I have had 2 chances alrdy applying to pa school. This is my 3rd time and final time. Granted I spoke to a pa counselor and they stated I'm taking the right route of taking masters level classes with a biomedical science master degree. I'm sitting her looking at other students taking 3,4 classes at a time getting as and bs. And I'm withdrawing taking one class at a time getting Bs. I had unfortunate severe car accident this semester and felt unmotivated all semester. Program doesn't care. It's a business I understand. I had a 3.3 and jeopardized my gpa now and I'm on academic probation for one semester.  I have 4 years experience as community health worker with Hopkins and bachelors in nuclear medicine technology.

Is it worth applying with academic probation on a record ? Feeling discouraged and feel I want to switch paths. 

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Hello I read the forum about...what are my chances? Here's ur answer. It's very good. 
Yet I have had 2 chances alrdy applying to pa school. This is my 3rd time and final time. Granted I spoke to a pa counselor and they stated I'm taking the right route of taking masters level classes with a biomedical science master degree. I'm sitting her looking at other students taking 3,4 classes at a time getting as and bs. And I'm withdrawing taking one class at a time getting Bs. I had unfortunate severe car accident this semester and felt unmotivated all semester. Program doesn't care. It's a business I understand. I had a 3.3 and jeopardized my gpa now and I'm on academic probation for one semester.  I have 4 years experience as community health worker with Hopkins and bachelors in nuclear medicine technology.
Is it worth applying with academic probation on a record ? Feeling discouraged and feel I want to switch paths. 

People get black marks all the time and often overcome them. Reading between the lines, this doesn’t seem to be your time. With your current outlook, PA school could be an accident waiting to happen.

I think that You need to get your head on straight, recover from your accident, and think about all those paths you could be taking before you step farther along this one.

Best wishes.

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