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3.0 gpa

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Hey! Just wondering if anyone or anyone you know has gotten into PA school with a 3.0 science gpa. I have over 3,000 hours of healthcare and a few certifications. I just unfortunately had to retake a few science classes from my freshman/sophomore year. I’m just wondering if I should even apply this round or take some time to take more classes first. 

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I am applying this cycle. My cGPA will be a 3.04 and my sGPA will be a 3.4. I have seen people in this forum who have been accepted with lower GPA's. 

There is a lot more to it than whether they were accepted or not though. For example, they generally had a high level of HCE and a lot of hours (over 5000), great LOR's, and high volunteer hours and good GRE scores.

Additionally they had a strong upward trend in their recent coursework.

I would say if the rest of your app is not very strong you should bring up your GPA while strengthening other areas of your application and apply next year. If money is not scarce then sure you could apply to a few programs this year and see what happens.


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If you can afford it, I would at least apply to a few and see what happens. Even if you don't get in the first time around, it will help you in learning how CASPA works, how to perfect at personal statement... etc. I got accepted this past year with a 290 GRE, 3.2 overall GPA, 3.3 Sci and 3.2 pre-req.

I did not get accepted my first round applying so I took that next year to get more experience as an athletic trainer, volunteering at urgent care and ortho clinics and take extra classes/re-take classes I didn't do so great on in college. I was able to get my PCE to 6,000 hours with 1,500 of those being student ATC hours, 1400 volunteer hours and showed an upward trend in GPA.

Getting in PA school is not all about scores and grades, having a lot of experience, showing an upward trend in GPA and having great LOR go a long way. I had one school tell me they were very concerned about my GRE score and then got into another one with that same score. Every school is different so it's all about doing the research to see what school is the best fit for you.

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