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Academic Infraction

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Is there anyone who has been accepted to a PA school with an academic infraction on their record?  If so, could you PM me.  I need some advice.  I am debating if I should even apply this cycle and I am doubting even going to PA school.  I made a stupid mistake my soph year and now feel like it will haunt me forever.  Please Help!

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This has been addressed before on this forum. Broadly stated, it involves taking responsibility for what you have done (without taking up your whole personal statement explaining that) and indicating what you have done to make up for it.

Life is not like a new car; you get dents and dings as you go without depreciating your value. The issue isn't the mistakes you make but how they helped to  change you into a better person.

Will you suffer for your mistake? Maybe. But don't lose hope. Somewhere out there are older people in authority who also got some dings along the way.

Good luck.

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Biology Major Rutgers 2020

3.6 cum

sgpa 3.4

700 hours as  a medical assistant

70 hours shadowing PAs for an Urgent Care Center

100 hours volunteering at different hospitals

50 hours shadowing an ortho surgeon including in surgeries

TA for human anatomy

Learning assistant for physiology in the fall

317 GRE

Planning on  scribing or working as a medical assistant this summer

Edited by kimmy
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Biology Major Rutgers 2020
3.6 cum
sgpa 3.4
700 hours as  a medical assistant
70 hours shadowing PAs for an Urgent Care Center
100 hours volunteering at different hospitals
50 hours shadowing an ortho surgeon including in surgeries
317 GRE
Planning on  scribing or working as a medical assistant this summer

You should have shot then otherwise.

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I used data from another person in my lab fir my lab analysis.  It was like  2%of the grade.  It was dumb.  I couldnt find my results and apparantly they were having a huge issue with that and made examples out of like 100 students.  I has already dropped the class because I knew I couldnt do it with orgo and physics.  I just hope it doesnt haunt me

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I used data from another person in my lab fir my lab analysis.  It was like  2%of the grade.  It was dumb.  I couldnt find my results and apparantly they were having a huge issue with that and made examples out of like 100 students.  I has already dropped the class because I knew I couldnt do it with orgo and physics.  I just hope it doesnt haunt me

Unfortunate but sounds recoverable. I wouldn’t be painting as “they made examples out of us” though.

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