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EM to Hospitalist

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Currently in EM and wondering what the transition to hospitalist work would be like. I see a pretty wide range of acuity and take care of some sick patients but do not handle the critically ill pts/runcodes/intubate/place central lines. But I see pretty much everything else. Would this transition be difficult or relatively smooth?

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it depends on a lot. Many places the hospitalist doesn’t run the code (ED does), don’t place lines, and basically act as a brain in a jar. Some you do it all. When I do some rural solo ED gigs I often have to be the hospitalist as well. I don’t find it hard, but I have done plenty of ICU rotations in residency. It’s a lot more thinking about and managing minute details like their home meds, diet, activity, Prophylaxis for DVT or whatever else, and having a PRN order for anything they might need so you aren’t paged constantly for every little thing. I have to think a lot more about “is it okay to stop doing X treatment or routine lab,” which in the ED we start a lot but don’t have to think about switching or discontinuing long term treatments as much. Also hate doing discharges and all the social work.

short answer: doable, but about as hard from going to EM to primary care. More long term thinking.

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