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Volunteer Hours Reporting

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 have a quick question as CASPA approaches, I volunteered sporadically at big organizations throughout my undergrad so I was never given an actual supervisor for this volunteer experiences. What should I put down for CASPA then? Like for instance, I volunteered with my friends every December with Operation Christmas Child where we would just sign up online for a time slot and show up and volunteer. I do not have a supervisor name though so I am unsure how to report this. I also volunteered at a food bank type center with my Pre-PA club but don't have a supervisor name. Should I just put names of those who volunteered with me since they can verify the hours?

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For Operation Christmas Child, I would put down the name of who was in charge of the drive, if you know. If it was at Church, put down the name of someone who could verify you attended. If it was all online, and no one knows who comes and goes, I would use the name of the place you went to, ie. church name, school name. For the PA club, I would use the secretary’s or other elected person’s name.

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8 hours ago, Janie55 said:

For Operation Christmas Child, I would put down the name of who was in charge of the drive, if you know. If it was at Church, put down the name of someone who could verify you attended. If it was all online, and no one knows who comes and goes, I would use the name of the place you went to, ie. church name, school name. For the PA club, I would use the secretary’s or other elected person’s name.

Thats what I was thinking of doing, but wanted to make sure that sounded like the smart thing to do. Thank you!!

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