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Curriculum questions

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Hi all,

Im looking into the CU program and have a few questions. what exactly is an CHA? What makes CU program different from other PA programs? Are there opportunities for international rotations? Do you use a cadaver lab? If any current or former students could answer some of these questions and maybe add some pros/cons I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you 

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As i'm sure you know from reading the website the CU curriculum recently changed (class of 2021 onwards) and is now a body system block approach. You basically focus on one or sometimes two body systems for a month or so and cover all topics in that time (anatomy, clinical med, physiology, pathophysiology, pharm etc.). You then revisit those same blocks during 2nd year with more information and different clinical presentations.

In addition to the blocks we have thread content that is related to the blocks but runs the length of the semester, threads include: stages of life, clinical skills, professional practice and clinical experience.

The CHA stands for Child Health Associate which is the root of the CU program from 1971. You graduate with an MPAS degree, the CHA was pediatric focused and while we still get a little more pediatric content than other programs you are still very much prepared as a generalist provider.

We do have cadaver lab, this is prosection as apposed to full disection. The labs are very nice and you still have full 24hr access to the labs for the entire 2 year didactic phase.

There is opportunity for international rotations, everyone in the program has the option to apply for a rotation in Guatemala during the summer of 2nd year. If you are in the global health track there is the opportunity to do additional rotations in Africa, nepal or Guatemala again in 3rd year.

Personally I know a lot of people that are turned off by the 3 year curriculum but I would not go anywhere else given the choice. The content is at a steady pace, you can maintain other aspects of your life while in school. II also feel that we go deeper on many topics than you would get at most other programs.

Additionally you have access to all of the school of medicine student interest groups like Emergency Medicine, Wilderness medicine, Ultrasound etc. This really lets you get involved in what ever you want. The faculty are all amazing and are so supportive of your education, mental health and wellbeing. The only other perk I will add is hit is likely cheaper than a lot of other programs even if you are out of state as you can apply for in state tuition after your first year.

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