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Transcript/Microbiology Question

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Firstly do I have to send transcripts from both schools I attended undergrad? I attended my first school for 2 years then my second for 2.5. Secondly my Microbiology course offered at my first undergraduate institution was 5 hour class that included both the lab and lecture (both had its own syllabus) but it does not list them separately on my transcript and when I transferred to my second undergraduate school it was converted to the 4 hour Microbiology course that they offered. Will this be a problem for schools that request Micro with lab?


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Guest thePAway

yes you have to send transcripts from both the colleges you attended and list all the classes you have taken at both. Since you list all the courses you took at each plus what grade you got it doesn't matter how your credits transferred because they will see the 5 credit course and your grade from what you enter under your classes from that first school where you actually took the class

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