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Observation/Volunteer hours in Arizona

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My name is Jonathan Davies. Over the years health care has inspired me to become a physician assistant. After my recent graduation from Arizona State University, I have been on a mission to find a Pre-PA friendly facility that will allow me to assist their medical team. Besides the enjoyment of patient care, this opportunity would improve my credentials as a candidate applying to PA school. Unfortunately, to gain a role in the hospital I must carry a certification. Since this is a case I am continuing my studies for PA programs (pre-reqs/recommended courses) at ASU (microbiology/genetics). In addition to my coursework, I plan to complete my CNA (3-5wk program).


My prior experience within health care has been spent mostly with an orthopedic practice (inpatient/outpatient setting). Also, I have followed many physicians in the primary care environment. However, I would like to enhance my exposure by finding a position around an active PA to better understand the roles and responsibilities of their career.


I would really enjoy an urgent care/non-profit health clinic because of the flexible hours around school and diversity of patients, but I am willing to assist where ever needed. If you have any ideas/opportunities, please contact me via email/phone with the information :)


Thank you for you time


Jon D.


Location: Mesa/Chandler/Tempe/Scottsdale


(I am in the process of applying to graduate programs for my future PA studies, but would like to stay involved with the progressing field of medicine. )

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