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Am I climbing up the wrong tree? T.T Please advise

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I need a serious advise on whether I should continue to pursue my dream of becoming a PA or acknowledge that my dream is a wishingful thinking.

I received my bachelor's in Computer Information System and recently finished my pre-req's. My overall GPA is 2.9 and after retaking quiet a few science courses, I embarrased to say it's still around 2.8. I have about 1000 HCE hours and plan on taking the GRE in couple of months. I know this type of questions have probably been asked to death, but I would greatly appreciated it if I could get candid opinions from you all (or a little encouragement perhaps).

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I don't think you should give up. Is your prerequisite GPA around 2.9 also or are old undergrad grades bringing it down? Many programs require a minimum GPA to apply. Usually it's between 2.8 and 3.2, with 3.0 probably being the most common cut-off point. Programs also usually require at least a C in all prerequisites. 1000 hours of HCE will get you interviews at many schools if you meet the GPA requirements, so try to get it above a 3.0 and keep adding quality HCE. Keep trying!

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Guest hubbardtim48

Plan B could also include: EMT-P or respiratory therapist. These are also quick programs and will give you great HCE. Good luck!

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I'd be more concerned with the science aspect. If you took the classes and your GPA got lower, you're either doing something wrong or you don't have an aptitude for it. You should honestly evaluate yourself and be realistic. See what resources your school has because it might be something fixable, like studying the wrong way for your learning style.

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