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Would You Like A Mentor Through This Crazy Process?

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Hi!  My name is Tim Loerke.  I have been a physician assistant for over 7 years.  My clinical background includes emergency medicine, orthopedic surgery, occupational medicine, and pain management.  I am also adjunct faculty at a local PA school and have served on several admissions councils.  

With all that out of the way...I am passionate about helping you walk through this confusing, arduous, and often times defeating process.  Each and every one of you wants to be a PA so badly but the hardest task before you is not one based upon desire or effort.  It comes down to the simple vote of confidence by a group of adults responsible for your future.  I want to help navigate you through this endeavor and help you achieve the hopes and aspirations you've held onto over the years.

As your mentor, I will offer multiple services:

1. Review & edit your personal statement

2. Help to construct an essay that best reflects who you are and what the ADCOMs are looking for

3. Review & edit supplemental secondary applications

4. Review your application and academic records for general feedback

5. Strategize plans for re-application, ways to acquire more experience, and any other ideas to improve the application

6. Preparation & mock sessions when you are invited for an interview

7. Be readily available via email, text, phone, or video conferencing as needed

8. While in PA school, I can help discuss study strategies for didactic and the PANCE

9. I will also provide any helpful tips for clinical rotations as well as the job hunt


I want to help you.  The time I will invest in you will have huge payoffs.  The cost for you is a one-time fee of $100.  10 years ago when I was navigating the path for PA school application, I often thought how helpful and fortifying it would be to have a professional walk alongside me so I wouldn't feel alone.  Please PM if you are interested in linking up with me to assist you on this journey.


All The Best To My Future Colleagues!

Tim Loerke, PA-C



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