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How is the NOVA Orlando program?

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I am able to graduate from this program. It is a small campus. You don't get the perks as u would from a larger campus like fort lauderdale.

About 60-65 students per class.

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I am a first year at this program currently. Specifically we are in our 3rd week or so of the second semester. So I can answer some of your questions I think.

As for the program, obviously there will be some bias, but I would say that this/our program is rather strong. Several examples of this are: 1. NOVA-Orlando was awarded full accreditation after only graduating 2 classes (1st time PANCE pass rate went from 74% the first year to 92% the second year...which is quite the change) which is not typical to my knowledge; 2. the current 2011 graduating class has thus far had a 100% 1st time pass rate on the PANCE (I believe about 33-40 of the 60 some-odd students have taken it). and 3. Several of the preceptors I spoke with prior to my acceptance of the school said that the level of knowledge the NOVA-Orlando students had was very good and that they had a solid understanding of the material needed to be understood.


That being said, there is several things to consider. First, there is no cadaver lab, you may get the opportunity to go down to Ft. Lauderdale one weekend to be walked through and shown various parts of the cadavers there, but on the whole you will be learning through videos, internet, pictures, diagrams, simulated anatomy 3-D, etc. It is a mixed bag in my opinion, I personally didnt mind, but I can certainly see where there would be some hesitation on prospective students. Also, the class/campus is small. You will pretty much be the only people there (along with us second years by that time) and so you may or may not be a fan of that. However, there is unlikely to be any parking problems which is always good. Like everything else it is a personal decision, for me it was a perfect fit and I felt the program was strong and have not regretted my decision to attend there. Though I will not lie, it is tough. The instructors want you to learn and have a vested interest in you succeeding but they will not compromise your education. It is a tough but worthy program in my opinion. I hope this helps. I know it is a bit late but I know the first interviews are tomorrow so perhaps you all will be able to get this in time. Good luck whatever your decision(s)

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I'm also in my first year at NOVA-Orlando. It is a tough programme, but I aslo think is is very good. The professors are really trying to emphasize professionalism and want us to know as much as we can before we go out on our rotations. It is definitely not a breeze, and you will have many sleepless nights, but in hearing from friends at other PA programmes, it seems like we are ahead of them and doing a lot more in terms of physical diagnosis.


In response to the "perks" question. The main thing would be access to a campus nurse. Students are not really allowed to miss class for any reason other than mortal injury and if you need to make a doctor's appointment, it can be difficult as you need to fill out forms to miss class and there is the potential to lose a percentage of your grade. We also realized that we are paying for gym access.....that is in Ft. Lauderdale, so it's not really accessible, but apparently our money is going to a future gym that may be completed by 2015 (2 years after we graduate!). These are obviously not deal-breakers or the end of the world by any means, but I just though I would add some things that people may not realize by going to a very small campus (it is one building).


The plus side of all of this is that wew are the only full-time students on the campus during the day and are pretty much allowed free reign of the building. This means plenty of access to study rooms after the school day is over. We are also allowed a printing allowance for the computer labs which has been a great help.


It's tough, but I love it!

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