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Balancing PCE and other Opprotunities

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I am a first year applicant after taking a year to take classes to raise my GPA and prove that I have the capacity to perform at a level higher than represented by my cumulative GPA. I currently work in as an ER Tech in a rural emergency room (Healthcare Provider Shortage Area) and am active in volunteering in my local community. I am curious if taking a position outside of the PCE field would be a detriment to the long path ahead of me in becoming a PA. I was curious if I had or would be approaching a point where my PCE is high enough where additional hours would be negligible. My stats are as follows and I continue to take classes to improve my GPA's and prepare me for my future as a PA. I am aware the road will likely be long and appreciate any assistance you can provide into steps you think would be beneficial to my future aspirations in becoming a PA. All stats and figures below are at time of application submission in early June. Since this time I have taken additional classes, continued to work in the emergency room, and responded to 3 natural disaster incidents (Search and Rescue as well as Repair for those impacted) for an additional 200 hours of community service.


PCE: 5,886 Hours at time of Application

ED Tech- 3410 EMT E-911 3410 Chicago- 2288, Medical Bay Captain Marathon- 44 Hours, EMT Major Music Festival and Events 144 Hours

HCE: 360

AHA CPR Instructor (Physicians, Nurses, First Responders, and Police) 120, EMT-B Instructor 240

Shadowing: 548

448 Hours Shadowing PA's (Ortho, ED, FP, and Hospital Med.) My hospital allows me to shadow (8 hours) weekly as part of my compensation.

100 Hours MD. (ED, Gen Surg, Ortho, Infectious Disease)

Volunteering: 3500 Hours

2000 Volunteering local youth center tutoring and mentoring low income families

1500 Teaching Health education to high risk high school freshman in Chicago.

Cum. GPA: 3.09

Science GPA: 3.03

Last 60: 3.91

Pre-req Classes: Biology 1- A , Biology 2-A, Genetics- B,MicroBio- B, A&P 1 B, A&P 2 w/ Honors A, Chem 1- B, Chem 2-B, Orgo 1- A, Stats-B, Pysch- A, Med term A.


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@panglossian Correct, I submitted June 6th. I am considering switching from a position as an ER Tech and EMT to a position focused on human performance research (biomechanics). My GRE is: Verbal Reasoning 163 Quantitative Reasoning 158 Writing 4.5. I am concerned about my cGPA and sGPAs. Additionally, would to classify my experience teaching health education (Sex Ed., Nutrition and Physical Activity, and Drug Education) as HCE?

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You have plenty of PCE hours, but you have to look at if you don't get accepted this cycle. Schools like to see if you have any current PCE, so if you took the new job and you don't get in this cycle, you wouldn't have any current hours for next cycle. You would have to ask the schools if they would take the human performance research as PCE, but it most likely would be HCE. I would try to do weekend shifts every now and then as an ER Tech or EMT so you have continuous PCE. 

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18 hours ago, Live4tomorrow2day said:

@panglossian Correct, I submitted June 6th. I am considering switching from a position as an ER Tech and EMT to a position focused on human performance research (biomechanics). My GRE is: Verbal Reasoning 163 Quantitative Reasoning 158 Writing 4.5. I am concerned about my cGPA and sGPAs. Additionally, would to classify my experience teaching health education (Sex Ed., Nutrition and Physical Activity, and Drug Education) as HCE?

I do not see the harm in switching positions, as long as you update programs, especially because your new position is research and not PCE. Taking classes at this point since you have already submitted your application probably will not change your outcomes much. A few classes will barely raise your GPA and ideally by the end of the Fall semester you will have attended some interviews. Hopefully you PCE/GRE/experience  will get you an interview and which will lead to an acceptance.

I would classify any teaching experience as such. See the CASPA FAQ:  https://help.liaisonedu.com/CASPA_Applicant_Help_Center/Filling_Out_Your_CASPA_Application/3._CASPA_Supporting_Information/2_Experiences

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