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PA to Midwife (CM)

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Has anyone heard of any pathway to become a midwife after PA school, aside from going to back through the nursing track and/or becoming a lay midwife? I have heard of a "Certified Midwife", which from my research, you can become with an unrelated master's degree in a health/science career. They only practice in 5 states, and mainly only New York. I just don't know what types of programs would bridge the information of PA school with midwife specific information, and I can't seem to find any educational programs. Thanks!


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Are you interested in becoming a CNM (certified nurse midwife, basically advanced practice nursing version of OBGYN, minus the surgery obviously) or a lay midwife? They're not the same thing at all. But if you're already a PA I'd just do what the above poster said and do a residency, then get a job with a OBGYN group.

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