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Applying for new DL/Car Registration

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I'm from CA and recently moved to AL for PA school. I start at UAB in August. I bought a home here not knowing if I will continue to live in Birmingham after I graduate or sale/move back home. I will decide that when we get there... I'm debating on whether I should apply for an AL driver's license, etc. If I do this, I could try and get in-state tuition. (not likely, but worth a shot). Also, registering my cars here is hundreds of dollars cheaper than doing so in CA. Does anyone have experience in this department? Or has been there and doesn't suggest doing it? This is my first time moving out of state, so I'm a little unsure. 

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Unless you are also maintaining residence in CA in some way at the same time you likely HAVE to transfer your title/registration/insurance etc as you are now a resident of AL.  Most schools require 1 year of residency before they will give you in state tuition (so you won't get it for year 1 but you might be able to for year 2).

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