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Seeking PA shadowing opportunity in Hampton Roads, VA area

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I am seeking an opportunity to shadow a practicing PA of any specialty that is located anywhere in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. I am a recent graduate of James Madison University with a B.S in Health Sciences. I am also about to begin volunteering as an EMT with a rescue squad in Virginia Beach.  If you have an information on potential shadowing opportunities, please feel free to contact me! My email is brendan.avery10@gmail.com. 

Thank you!   

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Hey, no leads on VA but just wanted to let you know, a lot of folks struggle with finding a PA to shadow. I was able to only through personal connections from volunteering and work, so the EMS thing is a good start. Also search for free/underserved clinics in your area, they are usually happy to have help and you may be able to make some professional connections there.

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In addition to the advice above, consider creating a profile on LinkedIn and reaching out to PA's who work in your desired location/specialty. Also, many state PA organizations offer student memberships with benefits including access to a list of PA's in that particular state who have agreed to permit students to shadow them. You may want to look into this as well. Good luck!  

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