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Reapplication Questions

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Hi! I am applying to PA School a second time this cycle. I applied last year to 9 schools and got 1 interview. My stats are: 

  • graduated in may of 2016 from Ohio State
  • have been retaking courses at Kent State 
  • my current cumulative GPA: 3.21
  • my current BCP GPA: 2.9
  • my non-science GPA: 3.4
  • my GRE: 
    • verbal: 68%
    • quantitative: 63%
  • hands-on patient care hours: 2,152 as PCNA at the cleveland clinic
  • shadowing hours: 41 
  • volunteer hours: 111
  • leadership volunteer hours: 552

This spring I tried to take Organic Chem 2 (for the first time) at Kent State but had to drop the class and recieve a W. Should I try to retake this class or does it matter? 

One thing I am wondering is if I should reapply to the schools I didn't get an interview at or if those are just a waste at this point? Should I instead just apply to all new schools? 

Also, not getting in last cycle really helped me to identify exactly why I want to be a PA. Should I discuss this in my personal statement or should I stay away from mentioning that I am a reapplicant? 

Any other advice would be helpful as well! If there is any info I left out that would be helpful, just let me know! 

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4 hours ago, abcdefghalle said:

Hi! I am applying to PA School a second time this cycle. I applied last year to 9 schools and got 1 interview. My stats are: 

  • graduated in may of 2016 from Ohio State
  • have been retaking courses at Kent State 
  • my current cumulative GPA: 3.21
  • my current BCP GPA: 2.9
  • my non-science GPA: 3.4
  • my GRE: 
    • verbal: 68%
    • quantitative: 63%
  • hands-on patient care hours: 2,152 as PCNA at the cleveland clinic
  • shadowing hours: 41 
  • volunteer hours: 111
  • leadership volunteer hours: 552

This spring I tried to take Organic Chem 2 (for the first time) at Kent State but had to drop the class and recieve a W. Should I try to retake this class or does it matter? 

One thing I am wondering is if I should reapply to the schools I didn't get an interview at or if those are just a waste at this point? Should I instead just apply to all new schools? 

Also, not getting in last cycle really helped me to identify exactly why I want to be a PA. Should I discuss this in my personal statement or should I stay away from mentioning that I am a reapplicant? 

Any other advice would be helpful as well! If there is any info I left out that would be helpful, just let me know! 

Given your GPA, I would do everything possible to avoid Ws or anything less than As in your coursework. If I were evaluating your application and saw your science GPA and that recent ochem II withdrawal I would assume that you’re still struggling significantly with science classes. It’s a big red flag.

With sub 3.0 science GPA you will need to be very mindful where you apply. Make sure there aren’t any hard or soft cut offs that you aren’t seeing that would auto reject your application. Also, avoid applying to programs where the average GPA is high, like upwards of 3.7. They’re probably a long shot for you. 

PCE is average. This is combination with GPA you’ll need a broad and early application. I would apply to 10 - 12 very carefully selected programs. Submit ASAP. Before the end of June.

As far as reapplying to programs, I think that’s fine as long as they’re a good fit. You will likely have to explain what you’ve done to improve over the last year, so make sure you’re prepared to do that. 

Also, I would continue taking classes to bring up your science GPA in case you don’t get in this cycle. Ochem is one of the hardest undergrad science classes. Don’t go out of your way to take classes that will bring your GPA down. Find some that you can do well in to bring that above a 3.0, at least. 

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