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Do I need to address a single W?

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Early on in my college career I was taking classes here and there at a local CC. I dropped out of a math class at the time and took a W because I was moving to another state. 

A few supplementary applications have spaces to “address anything” that I feel I need to. Do I even need to bring attention to this? 

cGPA is 3.85+ with strong upward trend (3.95+ over last 45 credits) and sGPA is 3.95. I later took a similar math class and got an A. I have 3 B’s on my transcripts across 5 years, all other grades being A’s. 

To me it seems unnecessary to address. I don’t want to draw attention to something negative if I don’t need to. Is this an oversight? Should I utilize this space to briefly mention the W?

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Guest blee100

tbh i have only 1 w as well cause of loss in my family. I decided to just explain in the small secondary application section where it ask if you had any slip-ups. I think speaking about it shows you have nothing to hide. Than i spoke about how that situation allowed me to grow etc 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had two on my transcripts for various reasons, both from a CC, and I did not address them on applications.  I got interviews to all the schools I applied to and they never came up.  I would say be prepared to answer for it if it comes up but don't respond in a way that makes it seem like you were trying to hide it.  I doubt it comes up though.  

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