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Eastern Michigan University potential PA program

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I heard a rumor that the program may be starting in 2013, but since I can't find any info about provisional accredidation or anything more than that Eastern's looking for a director, I'm not entirely sure how that would be possible. If they don't intend to use CASPA for the first year, then maybe; otherwise I would think they'd be farther along since CASPA opens up in April. Still, based on the person I got the other info from, the program sounds like a sure thing.

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Good to know...I'm applying this cycle, so unless things go badly and I need to apply a second time, looks like Eastern's out for me. Very cool for other people in the area who are interested though. I know there's a great deal of interest in the PA profession in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, plus some great health systems for clinicals.

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