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What's better regarding submission dates?

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My CASPA is already verified and ready to go. Is it better to submit to schools as early as possible if it's on the weekend or would it be better to wait and submit on a weekday? My train of thought is that if I submit today (Friday), the schools will not see it until Wednesday since it's a long weekend and it could be lost in the pile of all the applications submitted over the weekend. Am I thinking too much into this? Should I just submit now?

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You're overthinking it. In at least some schools, an admin first checks to see that all the requirements are met and so indicates in their program's CASPA records. That can take a while. Then, after enough have been processed and marked ready to review, faculty are assigned to read them. I might be told to read those between Adam and Baker, for example. 

Regardless of deadlines, the timing for all this is dependent on what is going on at the program at the time. If there are finals, or a new class is starting, or an ARC-PA team visit, or lots of SimLabs, or whatever, it might be a few weeks before the faculty has time to do their review. Each of us might be asked to pick "n" applicants out of their set to invite for the first round of interviews.

I'm sure that the review process varies school-by-school. The main point here is that there probably isn't someone waiting to read your application on Day 1.

Good luck to all of you. It can be nerve-wracking, but many of the people reviewing your applications have been there themselves.

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