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those who attend South how do you like it?

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i know! haha i have a lot of questions as you can see :0)


I have lots of questions too!!!


I visted South in Knoxville a few years ago when it was brand new. I went to their 1st Q&A. The faculty/staff seemed nice enough but I just didn't like the "feel" of the school. It was 1 large brick building right beside an interstate. I would like more of a university atmosphere.

I don't think it's affilated with South in Georgia but could be wrong.

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  • 2 years later...

I believe Mr. South of the Knoxville location is the brother of the South in Georgia. The schools are not affiliated however. As stated above, the school doesn't really have that "collegiate" atmosphere but you are so busy all the time, you wouldn't be able to appreciated it. The faculty are what makes this school. They are all so dedicated and knowledgeable and truly care about your success. I have nothing to compare South to but I am very glad that this is the program I am in and wouldn't change where I went even if I could.


I know this question was asked a while ago but thought I would put this up here for anyone who reads the forum in the future.

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