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Rotation in NH/Mass

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I'm a PA-S approaching my clinical year in New Hampshire. I'm reaching out to see if anyone in New Hampshire or northern Mass is open to molding a fresh mind and taking on a student for a 5 week rotation next year. My school has a nice selection of locations, but some specialties are missing and having the opportunity to sit down or call the site to really talk about expectations isn't really there. Am I looking for anything specific? I'm open to anything; especially Radiology or a specialty that isn't a typical student rotation.

What can I offer?
Maturity and Dedication
The passion to learn and your satisfaction to know you taught someone well, who will apply your techniques and information onto thousands of future patients/other providers.

I would certainly provide more information about myself through messages; if anyone is in the area and is interested in speaking to me please let me know!


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