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Some may already be aware that I completed my SA CME last month with Rosh PC CME.  I had difficulty logging at NCCPA since the only course listed was their EM course and I have been attempting to log on a weekly basis since completion.  For grins I submitted a course origination date of this week and sure enough there is the course.  I contacted NCCPA this week and inquired as to why I couldn't log it for the actual date, being aware from a prior Rosh email response that they had submitted information for re-accreditation which begs the question as to why re-submission was required since the requirement for SA CME has only been in place since Jan 1 and certificate said it was good through a 2016 date?  I was told by NCCPA that they they get their listing for the SA CME from AAPA and if AAPA doesn't submit it then it doesn't get listed.  Thanks, but don't call again.  I then contacted AAPA where I was politely and promptly assisted.  They confirmed that they couldn't pull up the course either and yep, the course is listed as approved at their site.  Long story short, AAPA asked Rosh to provide another certificate with a current date since I had taken the course in good faith and they promptly provided same.  AAPA didn't bother to mention why the course wasn't provided to NCCPA for logging purposes to begin with.


Bottom line suggestion, before you register for an AAPA approved SA CME, go to NCCPA and see if you can initiate the coursework logging to the point of being able to find the course in the pull down list for a course initiation date for which you anticipate beginning the coursework.  It may save you from a CME headache.

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