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Interviews and introverts

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Everyone says to relax and be yourself in interviews, but what happens when you're an introvert? I'm an INTJ type, and this doesn't mean that I never smile, stare at my toes, or give three word answers at interviews. I've prepared, I'm focused, and I feel I do well in interviews. I feel I'm friendly and I partake in small talk with other applicants before and after, but I'm certainly not jabbering. I tend to keep to myself to collect my thoughts and focus on what I'd like to say during the interview because I'm nervous.


I've heard from some PA students and PAs that some programs have a certain personality they like. Whether or not this is true, I don't know, but it got me thinking about how I'm perceived. I had an interview last month and there were two other applicants who were clearly extroverts, very nice people, but they may have stole the show. For example, the director asked us to give a brief introduction. These two each gave five minute histories including why they want to be a PA and why they wanted to go to this program. I stated where I'm from, where I went to school, my HCE and the research I do. Later, another applicant told me that I seemed "to the point". I took this as a compliment at the time, but now I'm not so sure.


I know admission is beyond competitive and I know I will be a great PA, but what if my personality is part of the reason why I'm being rejected? Then it appears as though being myself in an interview is not conducive to being admitted. I may be overanalyzing this topic, but have any other introverts felt the same way or have any pointers? I realize that I am a basically a brand that I need to sell and I will jabber about The Walking Dead if needed.

Don't stress out if you aren't talking as much as the other interviewers, just be engaging and be yourself. Think of stories and anecdotes you can tell while you are waiting to interview, and maybe practice potential introductions you could use. I'm also somewhat an introvert (I used to be much more of one, getting better now), and I'm always pretty calm/chill and relaxed when I speak with people. I realized after interviewing a few times that I may have come off as uninterested. So my next interview I pushed myself to let my excitement and passion for the profession show (but not in an overdone way), and I got accepted! Don't push yourself to be an extrovert if that's not what you are, but maybe push yourself a little bit so you don't come off the wrong way. Our program definitely has a personality and I'm glad I found the one that was the right fit for me. Don't worry, you'll make it there!


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