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How do you folks out there feel about writing a sort of off the wall essay? One where you don't particularly narrate your college career or health experiences, but other monumental moments in your life - things that provide more insight into who you are as a person, such as how you were raised or moments when you had to be a leader? Trying to provide examples of being resourceful and intuitive, since that is so essential to the practice of being a PA. I guess what I am asking is, do the reviewers appreciate the risk in writing something a little strange, or should I just stick to the format??

Thanks a million,


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There is the temptation for many essay writers to write something off the wall... Aka very very different. While there are some advantages to a very unique approach, it is risky, especially if it's not done to absolute perfection. If it's too gimmicky then it will be looked at as exactly that. Like anything risky, there is a small chance for very great reward, and a large chance of no reward. with what you are talking about doing, I can see the risk of them thinking that you don't have anything to bring to the table with immediately related experience and thus filling your essay with filler fluff (even if they are admirable traits or experiences). The upside is if they make all the connections and are refreshed by your creativity. Do you have a lot of hce and a gpa that speaks for itself? If not then doing what you are proposing will definitely not work like you want it to.

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or should I just stick to the format??


Is that a rhetorical question, or is there really a guidance format floating around out there? Yikes. I like the above advice.


I would suggest putting yourself in the readers' shoes. All they know besides a bunch of hard numbers data is what you write. While they probably get insanely bored reading a slew of similar essays, yours still needs to convey certain information. Are you a good enough writer to be "creative" while still answering the CASPA prompt?


For what it's worth, I went a different route with mine. I didn't discover this site until I'd already submitted my app so I wasn't aware that public editing was an option. For what it's worth, I didn't mention my college experiences at all. Good luck!!

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I didn't have a college experience when I wrote mine...just job/life experience. I talked about how my job/life experience has prepared me for this next step. That being said...my job experience spanned 22 years of medicine. If your life experience is about being captain of some sports team and missing the winning point...I am not sure that'll win the heart and minds of AdComs. If I sat on an AdCom board, I'd look for something that has tested the mettle of a person...something that tells me this applicant has felt the pressure of true stress...beyond sports and taking tests...but the pressure you get from dealing with life and death of someone you are responsible for. Could be leading expeditions in wilderness settings, leading fire teams on military missions, could be providing care/comfort for the elderly/sick. I dunno...just one opinion of an internet addict.

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What I specifically wanted to write about was an instance where I had to give a man CPR on a bus full of people who froze and did nothing, and once I served as a juror for one of the most high profile murder cases in Pittsburgh in years, (triple homicide, actually) and despite being the youngest juror I volunteered to be foreman. I also went to an all female college and am a community advocate for special needs children. My GPA is 3.7, I have 3 years HCE. My top choice is Oregon Health and Sciences University, I really want to stand out!! I feel like everyone applying to PA school has to collectively have good grades, HCE, etc.. which speak for themselves on paper. I will write a few drafts and see which is best. Thanks for the advice!

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It's funny because I recently served on a jury for a very high profile case (organized crime, murder, drugs, the whole thing) as well and was selected as foreman. It was such an intense experience I wanted to be able to use it for something. However, while the experience, and what you learned in the process, will probably translate to skills that will benefit you in being a PA, I am just not sure if it will translate on paper. You have to be very good with words to make it work. Like I said, you run the risk of them calling BS and thinking that you are just filling with fluff. With that said, I am in the process of writing my PS and am putting in experiences that are not directly related. If you come up with something, PM me with it and I will give you my impression. Your GPA is solid and 3 years HCE is good too, so you might be able to pull it off. I am not exactly sure what value they will see in the all female college. The CPR experience is worth mentioning along with the special needs advocate. Maybe strike a balance of using off the wall stuff, but tie in a little of the standard stuff too just to give the hint that you have the other "boring stuff" locked down as well. You want to make sure that THEY know that YOU know that your typical stats speak for themselves and so you have the LUXURY of talking about things above and beyond the typical. If they don't believe that you have the typical, they won't put much stock in the atypical. It's the difference between saying "yeah I've got 3 years HCE, but ON TOP and more importantly I have served on three medical missions and serve soup to the poor" or saying "well I don't have any direct HCE but I have gone on three missions trips and serve soup to the poor" One communicates that you have your s**t together AND you made time to do other valuable things. The other communicates that you are trying to stretch every last bit of your very limited experience to make it sound more substantial than it really is. You have your s**t together, but you now have to make sure you communicate that effectively if you want to pull this off.

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My experience with OHSU is as a paramedic taking patients into their ER. I have had a few workmates (paramedics with several years of experience) apply there and get turned down there but picked up by other schools in the same application cycle. The impression/opinion that I have formed is that they like someone a little green...a little moldable...someone who they can shape into their vision. The hospital from my view seems pretty into the holistic approach to medicine but I don't work there so that may be off base to say. Good luck with your application. If you need some insight on Portland as a place to live/play, drop me a note.

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I attended Pacific Univ, the other oregon PA prog, in Forest Grove. My take home info on OHSU is GREAT clinical rotations (and believe me, some schools' aint so great). and please read another PS by sstacy. read the whole thread. she did an off the wall. so there is a point of comparison for you. good luck. be sure to post your PS, whichever you choose, here at Forum.


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