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Part-timer requesting unpaid vacation

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How much unpaid vacation is appropriate to ask for when starting a part-time position that is a Monday-Thursday, roughly 23 to 25 hrs/wk? It's my first time working part-time after 11 years as a PA. I was thinking 3 weeks but was not sure. I also have to request time off for CME's too. Would one week be appropriate for that as well? I get a stipend for CME's but the time off from work is unpaid. Thank you for you help.

I'm going to be working with an Orthopaedic Spine Surg, who also takes call every 5th week. I'll be taking call with him, which includes floor calls, rounds and consults. In order to get requests approved, they have to be submitted in advance. Since this physician as not had a part-timer before, I don't think he was expecting me to ask for much time off. Recently, I requested 2 weeks off for this year and think that didn't go over well. At the interview, we did not discuss vacation time at much length, only that I should request time I wanted off and that it would be unpaid. I think, like with full time positions, I need a clear cut number of days that I can request off to avoid any confusion.

I think it is appropriate to neogitiate time off. I think 3 weeks is a bit much for a part-timer. Most full timers only get 3 weeks paid. I would find out what the full timers get then ask for half that amount. Tell them that you would schedule these in advance.

  • Administrator
I think it is appropriate to neogitiate time off. I think 3 weeks is a bit much for a part-timer. Most full timers only get 3 weeks paid. I would find out what the full timers get then ask for half that amount. Tell them that you would schedule these in advance.

If full timers get paid time off, why wouldn't part timers? If your schedule is 20h/week, 60h PTO a year would be 3 weeks.


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