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Am I focusing too much on global health?

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I am writing my personal statement and talking about the experiences that led me to want to be a PA, and a lot of what I have written about is my months spent in Kenya and Uganda. I saw all sorts of iniquities, mostly dealing with health (malaria, AIDS, drug overdose, etc...). My concern is that perhaps I am focusing too much on international health and not enough about healthcare in the United States. Are PA schools looking for people who only want to focus on healthcare in the states?

I am writing my personal statement and talking about the experiences that led me to want to be a PA, and a lot of what I have written about is my months spent in Kenya and Uganda. I saw all sorts of iniquities, mostly dealing with health (malaria, AIDS, drug overdose, etc...). My concern is that perhaps I am focusing too much on international health and not enough about healthcare in the United States. Are PA schools looking for people who only want to focus on healthcare in the states?


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