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HCE question - working with children who are autistic.

Guest DLuong

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Guest DLuong

Would this count as patient care contact or other health care experience?

This would be determined by what your role was with these children.


Think about it...


If I played basketball with wheelchair bound paraplegics... should I write this down as patient care contact or other health care experience?

Guest DLuong

ahhh good point - thanks. Makes sense more I think about it.

How about if you were a caregiver, such as an older sibling who often took care of their day to day needs such as feeding, bathing, medications, Etc. How would you put in on CASPA?

I wouldn't...

If I did... then it would basically mean that EVERYONE who is or has ever been a parent qualifies.


If I work strictly in the kitchen preparing meal trays at a group home for high functioning developentally delayed males... can I/do I enter this as patient care contact or other health care experience?


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