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Small question regarding HCE

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I'm currently still in my undergrad years (Soph.) and plan to apply to PA school. My question is what is the best way to obtain HCE while in school full time? I thought about looking into becoming an EMT for a while after I graduate to gain some experience, but I keep hearing about certain things being better than others. I'm also willing to volunteer if that's more compatible doing while still in school.


Thoughts? Thank you.

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It probably depends on how hard to plan on studying, what types of classes you're taking, and how many credits you are taking. I find that I can take 16-18 credits per quarter while working 16 hours per week. I usually take 2 heavy science classes and 2 lighter classes (electives, psychology, philosophy, etc.). The ultimate goal is to pull excellent grades. Some people can work more hours and do this, while others can't. Whether you're EMT, CNA, LPN, phlebotomist, etc., you'll probably have to start small and work your way to a comfy level of work hours. Volunteering is great, but won't satisfy the requirement for paid HCE.

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