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CNA- Yes or no?

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Ok, so I have been thinking about getting my CNA as a way to obtain some health care experience. However I am curious to know whether or not schools like or dislike this being that it is "nursing" assistant and not directly for physician assistants. Also, I was researching for a CNA training and I found an 18-day class but it says to become a nursing assistant... will I be a CNA or is this different from a CNA and strictly just an NA title? I am not really sure if there is a difference or what it really mean. So if anyone knows, please let me know! 

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I worked as a nursing assistant (NA) and had the same responsibilities as the certified nursing assistant (CNA) who trained me when I got hired. I enjoyed the opportunity and have learned a ton. 



CNA - a person who completed a course, took, and passed the written and practical exams to become a certified nursing assistant.


NA - an individual who got hired without certification...on the job training provided.


Both have the same responsibilities at the end.

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