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New York Schools

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Hey! Does anyone know if any of the New York Schools (Cornell, Hofstra, Touro, Downstate, St. Johns) are better than others? Meaning, when it comes to get my first job at a hospital/ doctor, does it look better coming from a specific school? Lastly, is Touro much worse than the others, or are they all basically equal? Lastly, I am looking to go into surgery, surgical PA, does that factor in at all??


thanks for all your help!


Also i've looked around and there are many many varying opinions regarding school rankings in general, I am referring not just to the degree of difficulty, or how well the material is required, but rather specifically job related - does the school you went to dictate the initial job offers you will receive?




Sorry about the multiple postings, I didn't know where this question belonged

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  • 5 months later...

Stay away from touro. they have a horrible reputation after having lost their accreditation for a huge scandal involving helping student cheat on the PANCE. its the constant gossip among PA's and students on rotation. while All the touro students i met were smart and nice, they never got treated the same as the rest of us.

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Pace has a really good reputation. I didnt even get an interview though. It's pretty competitive. but when i applied they were still doing the freshman to PA program, where pace students who began as freshman already had secured seats in the class, making less seats available than other programs. im not sure if they still do that. St. john's, downstate, LIU, cornell - all the students i worked with on my rotations were all awesome. Stony brook out on Long Island too.

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Don't forget SBU! Great program (I'm biased), awesome tuition, maybe the least expensive though I just rotated with a student from York and apparently they pay pay very little too. Most of us ended up moving out to Queens and Manhattan for second year as a lot of the rotations are located out there. Good luck.

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