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Emergency Medicine or Urgent Care jobs in Chicago, IL

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Hi! I am a newly graduated PA out in Boston. My husband and I are actually both graduating from the same program and would really like to relocate to Chicago! We are both interested in emergency medicine. However, it seems that many of the hospitals in Chi-town do not post their PA jobs on their websites. And even after looking at multiple sites such as indeed.com we haven’t found many opportunities in the city in emergency medicine or urgent care. Can anyone help me out??? :( We would be willing to travel to other places in the states for a good E.D. position. Let me know if anyone has openings! thanks so much :)

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My friend works out there as a per diem EM PA and full time Med school student. From what's he's told me there's only about 600+ PA's in that state and that they're more NP friendly. I believe he works in Mt.Sinai. But gettin back to your question , What town in Chicago are you relocating to ?

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well we would love to live around the linkin park area or even west loop or the medical district where cook county and rush are located. We are pretty much looking anywhere downtown. Thanks so much for the reply. I was getting a sense that maybe Chi-town is not quite as PA friendly as other states like MA… I will check out Mt Sinai and see if they have any openings :)

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Oof. I rotated at Sinai. Not the happiest place on earth. The ER was pretty cool.


(And as a friendly word to the wise, please don't spell it "Linkin Park" when you're talking about the neighborhood. It'll mark you as an out-of-towner, and worse. It's Lincoln, like the President, who served as a senator from Illinois. Knowing is half the battle!)


EDIT TO ADD: Be aware, there are several PA programs in the Greater Chicagoland area, so there will be a flood of new grads every spring/summer, and many of them will have been "test-driven" as students in rotations. I'm not sure what the job market is like, but it's fair to say it'll be at least a little competitive.


Also that any neighborhood with a hospital in it, generally speaking and within like 20 miles of downtown, will be a bad neighborhood. Choose carefully.

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  • 1 year later...

I live in the suburbs of IL 45 min from downtown Chitown. There are plenty urgent care/EM jobs in the burbs! if you are interested, like--- Sherman hospital/Elgin, Bloomingdale, Schaumburg etc. I think Lutheran general has some openings too... I have been working here for 4-5 yrs and its quite PA friendly !.... again i am not sure about DT chicago.

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