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4th LOR

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CASPA only permits 3 LORs through their portal. One of my schools requires 2 from folks in a clinical supervisory capacity. so I'm in the process of obtaining a fourth LOR since I already had the 3 lined up and only 1 included a clinical supervisor. Would the other schools I'm applying to welcome this additional LOR with any supplemental application material i'm already sending? Or if I feel this one will be better, i'd like to just delete one of my others, but it seems once CASPA has received a LOR, it can't be deleted.

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Q: Can I submit more than three references?


A: NO. You may not submit more than three references via CASPA, and CASPA can not accept any additional or substitute letters. However, you may want to contact the schools to which you are applying in inquire as to whether they will accept an additional or substitute letter. If so, you would send this additional letter directly to them.

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