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Community College

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I am still contacting schools about this but if a community college (CC's) is regionally (in my case New england) accediated by the association of schools and colleges, are people finding CC's to be acceptable. I know it may vary but just interested if people are finding any problems with them. I am doing some online but, maybe its my learning style, I think some courses would be better face to face.

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Check with the programs. For the most part, programs accept the credits, some recommend you take the credits at CC because of the availability and expense. But always check with the program just to be sure. Some programs won't take the credits

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Check with the programs because one program that I asked for improvement from after I got rejected wanted me to take a couple higher level science courses, but they had to be "University" level. Otherwise none of the other schools made a big deal out of my community college courses. Once again always check with the programs you are applying to because not all schools have the same requirements.

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