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PANRE 1st timer

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I am studying to take my PANRE for the first time in June. I have heard mixed reviews about what to study, when to take it, how hard it is, etc. I have not found anywhere that lists the passing % or the statistics as to how many pass the PANRE on their first try. I purchased Datachem and Zarbocks and have been studying at a leisurely pace. I am quite concerned about the new "emphasis" from the pharmacology person they had on the board, as it's mentioned there is a shift to more in depth pharm. Any info on the pass rate, statistics, or anyone that has taken the test in 2011 or late 2010???


Thank you so much,


The Neurotic First Timer... :)

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if you work in primary care or em you will do fine regardless of what you study. if you work in a specialty you need to brush up on stuff you don't do on a regular basis.

it is not a difficult test and the required passing score is curved quite low...and you have 5 chances to pass it....

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