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Update going into 2015

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Here is my original post:





And now for the update:


I am officially a college graduate! Received my AS and AA degrees in the mail a couple of days ago and it sure feels good!


Along the way, I finally got around to pulling my old college transcripts(ca 1997) and found some of the grades to be worse than I had originally thought. Fortunately, its only a semester and isn't anything that can't be managed and/or overcome. I am now running a spreadsheet to keep track of everything.


With the old grades figured in....


Cumulative GPA is now 3.645

Science GPA is now 3.633


Had been tossing around Biology vs Physiology for majors until I recently discovered the closest university has an online Health Care Management B.S. The program includes the pre-req statistics class I would need for PA school. I have now declared HCM as a major and am signed up ready to begin class mid-January.


The pre-reqs I have left are for my first choice of schools are:


Statistics (included in program)


Upper Level A&P (Preferred by program, not required....I have already completed A&P 1 and 2 both with lab but I will do an upper level anyways just to be safe)


The amount of money I will save not commuting(1.5hr) makes the HCM program seem like a no-brainer.


Unfortunately for me, my employer has decided to stop letting me swap shifts for school, so as I near completion of my B.S., I will have to seek employment elsewhere in order to be able to complete a couple of remaining science classes on campus.


As I mentioned in my first post, I teach classes (BLS, ACLS, PALS, ITLS) for a local community college, and have the luxury of taking any class offered completely tuition free. The only costs to me are lab fees and books.


So I think as I am progressing through this Health Care Management program, if the workload allows, I might just take every class available that seems useful. For example, Introduction to Nutrition is something I would consider taking for the grade and to broaden my knowledge base. Way I see it, every little bit helps. :)


As always, Input/advice is appreciated.


Happy New Year!





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