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MBBS > PA Questions

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Hello -


I apologize in advance as I think this question has been answered here before. But unfortunately, i couldn't find the info after several searches - sorry again!


I am foreign medical graduate with MBBS degree. I am based in the Bay Area, CA and want to pursue career as PA. My main questions are:


1) Is there a resource to see admission deadlines for all the accredited schools?


2) It seems for most schools 2015 deadline has passed. What can I do in that year to increase my chances of getting into a program in 2016?


3) I see MS and BS and Associates in PA (such as Stanford's program). What difference do these make? As I understand, the intent of these programs is to prepare for the PANCE exam?


4) With an MBBS degree, I have most of the pre-requisites completed on my transcripts. Do MBBS graduates get waivers for PA pre-reqs?


I really appreciate all your help!



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1) The PAEA online directory is a great resource for all sorts of info about each program and is searchable by several different criteria: http://directory.paeaonline.org/


2) This is something you would have to discuss with the specific programs you are interested in and will differ based on what they require and what they are looking for.


3) There are varying opinions on this, and as a profession, I believe physician assistant educators are working towards making a Master's Degree the only end degree for PAs in the future. Currently bachelor's and associates programs still exist, though they are in the vast minority of available programs, so you would be limited in where you could apply. Also, many hospitals will require a Master's degree to qualify for thier PA positions, so you would need to research what type of setting you would want to work in as a PA after graduation, and what level of degree would be required for employment in that area.


4) This will vary program to program and so you'll need to do a lot of research on this. Some programs do not consider foreign graduates at all and require that your undergraduate degree is earned in the United States, while others require that at least their pre-reqs be taken in the U.S. Others may grant you waivers for your foreign coursework and be OK with your foreign medical degree.

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