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Becoming Student Rep to State PA Organization

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How does a newly accepted student go about this and does it require a class vote? Also, what if a current student at the program hold the position, do you just wait - and isn't it held for a year or so? I'm curious because I'd like to get involved with the state PA organization early on as a student.


Thank you :)

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You have an AOR rep and usually an alternate AOR rep for each PA Class.


Additionally, there are student AAPA positions outside of AOR like being apart of First Rounds and the AAPA monthly web magazine publication, in addition to other student AAPA opportunities. I believe our AOR goes to a monthly teleconference and also went to Washington DC as well as the AAPA convention. The alternate AOR rep actually with to both AAPA convention and Washington DC as well. I also believe our class president is also asked to go to the AAPA conventions / Washington DC trip too.


I think the next AAPA convention is in San Francisco around memorial day weekend. There's no reason why you can't go to that and possibly even volunteer or rub elbows (network) or listen to seminars to see how you can help as a student and future PA.


Lastly, you can get involved in your state PA organization. I know in Nevada there are two student positions within NAPA not to mention each PA class has a NAPA representative which goes to monthly meetings. 

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