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How to Keep Calm & Carry On

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I just had my first final exam and OSCE of PA school and HOLY COW was it stressful. I think that was probably the most high-stress, pressure-filled testing situation I've ever experienced. It feels like no matter how much you study it's impossible to remember everything the test is going to ask of you. This seemingly impossible volume of information you have to recall plus being watched by expert PAs and docs who have been practicing for 10+ years is the perfect combination for those anxiety-induced palpitations and shaky hands to take over.



So, I was just curious, what are/were your tips and tricks for staying calm during these high-pressure OSCEs and other exams? How do you keep your nerves and stress from clouding your brain and getting the best of you? Thanks for sharing!

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For me, I always felt more stressed if I didn't feel prepared enough. Under preparing = less confidence = increase anxiety = shows in your performance.

When I was more prepared, I was more confident and never had issues. I think everyone is nervous with OSCEs.

Remember that your evaluators have been there before. They're not looking for perfection, but for proficiency.




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Do you get a particular sort of dream where you are lost or may be giving a stressful exam ( you don't know the answers, your pen is not working and you want to shout loud but you cannot, sort of dream)? It happens with me after exams :/ Okay, do one thing, plan a night out with friends on the first day and go for a long drive on next day. Visit a peaceful place. AND smile a lot :)

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1)  When you begin to study the physical exam, visualize yourself learning the material well and efficiently.  Also, visualize yourself succeeding when the proctor is watching you.  Avoid thinking that you will be nervous, or that your proctor will treat you unfairly.  It sounds hokey, but sometimes you need every trick in the book to calm yourself and succeed.


2)  Usually the physical exams start by taking the patient's vitals.  When you are checking the pulse and respiratory rate, take a moment to slow your breathing and center yourself.


3)  Lay out your equipment in the order that you will use it in the exam.  This will help you remember what comes next.  Also, if you are consistently forgetting something that doesn't require a tool, there's no reason you can't put out something that will remind you.  My classmate was forgetting to check hearing in the basic screening exam, so he put his tuning fork on the table (even though it wasn't part of the exam) to remind himself.


4)  Watch your caffeine intake on exam days.  If I am feeling jittery, I switch to water or decaffeinated tea.

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