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Question about first semester schedule

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Hello all!


I am curious to know what a daily/weekly schedule is like during first semester in terms of hours in class per day, average number of exams per week, number of classes taken at a time, etc.


For example, do you have class from 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday? How long is lunch break? Do you ever get off early for extra study time? Do you have exams every week and if so how many?


Thanks so much!

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I'm a first year student at RFUMS, and will try to give you a bit of a feel for our schedule! We have class from 8-5 Monday - Friday. We get out an hour or two early 2-3 days per month. We have an hour break for lunch everyday and usually have one or two tests per week. With that said, there have been a few weeks where we haven't had any tests. During those weeks we usually have at least one quiz or paper though. We go on the quarter schedule, and we're in fall quarter right now, but we've been told by the second years to expect more exams each week during the third (winter) and fourth (spring) quarters. 


Hope that answers your questions!

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I would just add that in the summer/first quarter, I think we got out a little bit earlier each day (earlier than 5) and definitely earlier on (most) Fridays.....Now that we are into Fall quarter, we are definitely on more of a "regular" schedule like Megan mentioned....We also get some days off..like we have this coming Monday off! Which is exciting for me because I went to a private school for undergrad and we never had days off like everyone else lol

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I was just accepted and excited to join this institution! Question for the first year students - are there any breaks? The RFUMS academic calendar has built in breaks between quarters but not sure if this applies to PA students. Just curious as I'm in my sister's wedding. Thanks!

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I was just accepted and excited to join this institution! Question for the first year students - are there any breaks? The RFUMS academic calendar has built in breaks between quarters but not sure if this applies to PA students. Just curious as I'm in my sister's wedding. Thanks!


Hey I'm an accepted student, not current, but went to the second look day... the current students said we have a week between each of the quarters as well as a winter break!

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