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Class of 2018!

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Hi Whitcc1, you were in my interview group on Oct. 1.  I was the older student at the back of the table asking a lot of questions (I guess there were two of us older ones back there, I was the one with the longer hair, no glasses).   Anyway, congratuations!  I got in as well, but haven't received my admission pack yet. I wonder if Kay sent those out before she went on vacation.  Have you gotten yours yet?  Faun

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Hey guys!

I'll be heading out to CO in February (looking at the 10-12) so that my wife can get some face to face time with potential employers.

Anyways two questions, any C/O '18 want to meet up and grab some dinner/drinks on one of those nights?

Also does anyone here currently work at University Health or Denver Health (or other medical centers)? My wife is a RN with her BSN and is looking for jobs at either of these places. Any insider information would be great!



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Hey guys! Does anyone know when they finalize the list of students? They should be finishing up here soon I think. Also, do you all know anything about good places to live in the area? It seems like most of the students that we met could bike to campus. Jealous of you @whitcc for moving out so early!

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I don't know when they finalize the list of students, but I'm guessing soon also. I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to figuring out where to live. From my online research, in Aurora, south of 6th Ave is safest. One of the girls (an Aurora resident) in my interview group also told me that Stapleton is an up and coming great area (though it's a tad expensive for me).

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I think they finish the list of students in December, but that's pending everyone's decisions on the offers I would guess. Yeah as far as Denver goes Aurora is not the nicest haha. I was just thinking about living right there at the 21 Fitzsimons apartments. They don't seem too terribly priced IF you do a three bedroom. And super nice. The website is currently down, so if you google it it will just take you to the facebook page, which isn't super helpful haha. But hopefully the website will be functional soon. Anyways they are right on campus so that would be nice in snow and what not. Stapleton is definitely nice but yeah kind of pricey.   I stayed with my friend in Glendale for the interview and it was like a twenty minute drive but he said a lot cheaper. So for me it would be worth it to live closer and since Aurora isn't so nice that basically means on campus. If someone wasn't worried about the commute or money and wanted to live in the heart of things I would recommend LoDo or Capitol Hill. 

Here is a list of Denver neighborhoods <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="http://www.denver.org/about-denver/denver-neighborhoods/

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Thanks! I currently live in eastern Aurora (borderline country) but the better areas of Aurora are south eastern Aurora near Parker or near Southlands Mall (they may be a little pricer, not sure what your range is). Also some people like to live in DTC (Denver Tech Center) it's only about 10-12 miles from campus.

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