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Class of 2017 ( Hopefully!)

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Hi all,

First time poster, long time reader!


Just a bit of info straight from the UDM faculty.  Even though they state at the info meetings that taking the GRE is required but is not a decider for admission I was recently told that they now consider your GRE score very heavily for admission as "they found that a candidates GRE score is a direct reflection of their performance in the program".  


It's too late to retake my GRE for this round of applications (as I don't think I can relearn algebra and geometry in 2-3 weeks) but hopefully this may help some of you.


Also, the amount of candidates they will accept outside of the Pre-pa UDM program will be very small this year.  They expect 10-15 at the most!  That's only a 2% acceptance rate.  For comparison, Harvard undergrad hovers at around 6%.  They admit that they never expected so many of the pre-pa candidates to make it through the program and that they are fazing out the "automatic" acceptance of the students but must honor the ones already in the program.

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So looks like our chances for this year are very slim. I hope it is still worth the try. I wonder what is their average GRE score? meaning which score should I have to feel comfortable applying? Also, does anyone know their most recent average GPAs and healthcare hours? Thank you in advance. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm hoping the whole weighing the GRE heavily thing now is not really true... I know their minimum is 292, which is my current score:/

Also, no signs of class averages anywhere on the site that I can find! If anyone finds it, please post.


To answer your last question Tatpat, current GPA is 3.65 and >3000 healthcare hours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently received this email from the program:


Dear Applicant:

All required documents have been received by the university. Please note your application is now waiting for review. If the admissions committee requires any further documentation or clarification, you will be notified by email.

The committee will review all applications that were correctly completed by the CASPA deadline date of January 15, 2015 and the supplemental application and online deadline date of February 15, 2015. Invitations to interview will not be extended until all correctly completed applications are reviewed. These invitations will typically be sent in the 2nd and 3rd week of March.  Please do not contact the program or individual faculty members to ask if you will be invited to interview.

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I recently received this email from the program:

Dear Applicant:

All required documents have been received by the university. Please note your application is now waiting for review. If the admissions committee requires any further documentation or clarification, you will be notified by email.

The committee will review all applications that were correctly completed by the CASPA deadline date of January 15, 2015 and the supplemental application and online deadline date of February 15, 2015. Invitations to interview will not be extended until all correctly completed applications are reviewed. These invitations will typically be sent in the 2nd and 3rd week of March. Please do not contact the program or individual faculty members to ask if you will be invited to interview.

When did you receive the e-mail?
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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone have an idea of how many more calls went out or if there are any more interview dates besides the 18th and 23rd?  Does anyone have friends who applied not on this forum or current students in the program that can comment?

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I was invited for an interview via phone call last week 3/11 and signed up for an interview on 3/23. I declined my interview today because I have been accepted to another program. Good luck to all of those still waiting!


As for stats

overall undergrad GPA: 3.69

last 60 credit hours GPA: 3.90

pre-req GPA: 3.78

patient care hours: 1500 hours

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I was invited for an interview via phone call last week 3/11 and signed up for an interview on 3/23. I declined my interview today because I have been accepted to another program. Good luck to all of those still waiting!


As for stats

overall undergrad GPA: 3.69

last 60 credit hours GPA: 3.90

pre-req GPA: 3.78

patient care hours: 1500 hours

Congratulations! And thank you for the stats.
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For those who have already received a call... was it from an unknown number, or did the local number actually come up? I just missed a call from an unknown number and am trying to not get my hopes up.

There was a number that showed up. All the best!
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