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Meaning Full Use

Guest Paula

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Does anyone know if the MU reimbursements to physicians includes work a PA might do and it is recorded under the Physician?


I do not qualify for MU since I work in an FQHC, see >75% medicare or underserved, work rural BUT do not lead the clinic.




Also for the physician to qualify do they need to be enrolled in PECOS?



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P.S.  Does MU reimbursements go into perpetuity?  I'm researching this now and need it for contract negotiations coming up next week.  I've been told  that the facility won't advertise for another PA since we don't qualify for meaningful use.  We have been recruiting for the last year.  No applicants so far and the ad is for an NP. 


After looking at my patient metrics and the docs metrics we really don't need another provider except to fill in for when we are on vacation or ill. 


The doc hasn't been enrolled in PECOS for years and the facility is trying to FIX it.  


I see 11.4 patients per day and the doc sees 10.4 per day.  

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Doc can elect to use the PA or not - for data purpose


as a rural health clinic PA you should make it work


this does not go on forever - but for the next few years - - -


more info








There has been a delay in stage III, as MANY of the EMRs are not being certified and practices are not making it........   Also - you really should call your reps in congress and advoacte for PAs to be included - but the hoarse has already left the barn on this issue......  (Thanks for dropping the ball on this HUGE issue AAPA! Personally cost me over $40,000 as I am a practice owner, primary provider, and EMR user)

On a good note I decided to not even try to qualify and my dictation times have gone way done......




11.4 patients a day!  yikes how do you pay the bills?


I see 12 -14 patients a day in house calls, and see 20+ in the office

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It's a tribal clinic.  Need I say more?


I found the end date is 2021 for MU. 


I've emailed my reps several times yearly since 2011, written Karen Black?  PA in Congress from CA, do Capwiz every time I can. It is the straw that broke the camel's back for me to continue AAPA membership.  


I will advocate onward and forward.  

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