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made me laugh

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Was having lunch with a bunch of members of the family medicine group I belong to. Among the group were chiropodists, social workers, occupational therapists, mental health counselors, psychologists, and an np.  THEY (not me!) brought up how "physician assistant" is such an awful title and how it's not at all descriptive and how the title for us shouldn't have the word "assistant" because it is so misleading. I just laughed and agreed then asked what they thought we should be called, "jr doctor" and "assistant physician" topped the list. lol.  I just kept laughing and told them that this was a political issue in the PA world.



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I find it interesting that Canada has chiropodists.  In US equivalency we call them podiatrists.  We use to call them chiropodists and when they changed their title nothing happened either. 

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