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Pre-PA with DUI

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Unless they've been through it -- and I haven't -- I don't think anyone can tell you definitively. It would appear that you did all that could be expected of you from the time you self-reported. 


I suspect some people will write you off, but you only need one spot in one program. As has been said to others, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Rather than talk on this forum in generalities, it's time for some face-to-face times at a program. Don't lead with the DUI and let them get to know you. 


You can also contact your state's medical board and see what the score is.


Nothing is the same as applying, but at least some legitimate input would be a help.


Good luck.

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UGo has it right, I think. Your situation is a little different, in that you took a few steps most others might not have - at least not the ones who have posted similar questions around here, recently. I figure that can only help you. The million-dollar question is of course whether it helps enough. For that, you'll need to talk to people in a position to know, and that means some informational interviews with program faculty.

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