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Different Masters for PA programs

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I've noticed that many PA programs have different masters degrees that it awards, even if they are not dual degrees. For example there are Masters of Public Health or Masters of Biomedical sciences or Masters of Health Sciences awarded in  PA programs but some have Masters of Physicians Assistant Studies. My question is, does it matter what masters degree is given or should I only stick to the ones that offer Masters of Physicians Assistant Studies. 

I'm just a little worried because the University of Toledo offers a  Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences (MSBS) degree with a Physician Assistant concentration and I just want to know if this PA program is valid. Thank you for any help.

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Toledo has an old and respected program (used to at the Medical College of Ohio until the two institutions merged). 


To the best of my knowledge, the masters you get is not important to your ability to practice.


I don't know if there is an advantage in, say, getting an MS in Public Health if you later decide, for whatever reason, to get your doctorate in that area (for some reason -- at this point anyway -- other than hoping it gets you better practice rights). 

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Just make sure which ever program you decide on, its ARC-PA accredited and it will allow for you to sit for the PANCE exam. I don't know of any stand alone MPH programs that will let you take the PANCE, I do however know of dual programs that give you both a MSPAS and MPH. The MHS program at our school is not the PA program either. The MHS program is a masters degree that allow for to take higher level science courses and will usually guarantee you an interview for their PA or MD/DO program.  

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