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Class schedule

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I wonder if you guys can share your class schedule for the didactic portion of your journey.

We have classes M-F 8-5 with an hour break that is more and more often becomes a supplemental lecture or some other type of academic activity (optional). We average 2-3 exams per week.

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That was my didactic year experience (just about dead on). Faculty was good about giving us a full hour for lunch and the lunchtime (optional/required) activities were only a few times a month. Loving clinical year so far...

Did you have periods of self doubt and your ability to go through this? (I know everything in the past seems so easy)?

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We were M-F 8-5 or 9-6 most of the time. Occasionally would get an extra half hour or hour added to the usual lunch break. Never had anything scheduled during lunch (I think the professors wanted a break more than we did sometimes). Last semester of didactic now we have 1-2 lectures a day (including labs) most of the time as the new class takes up most of the school's resources.



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I felt all kinds of self-doubt in my clinical year! (I wrote about that quite a bit in my book). I couldn't even remember what tests we had the week before, let alone the material. Somehow though, it all comes together, especially in your clinical year.


Relax, drink what you can from the firehose of medical knowledge, and just be OK with it.


Good luck!

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Ugg. I still feel a physical repulsion to being in our lecture hall.  Lunch "activities" made me very bitter!  With studying I ws putting close to 100 hrs a week many weeks and I just want to eat lunch in peace dammit!  Your schedule is the same as our pretty much.


That said, Just tuck your head down and push through.  The clinical year is so much more fun.  As long as you are doing your part downt worry if you dont have a sense of the whole yet.   That comes in the second year.  You will be surprised how much you retain, and you will relearn everything again anyways as you will need more "details" in practice.

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