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Dual Degrees as a PA

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been discussed at length, esp by myself. review old threads. unless you have a clear plan or acceptance into a dual program that is very attractive. you may want to wait until you complete PA school. Many hospitals will provide you money for tuition which is a lot better than a 30k loan for MPH being payed back at 90k over 20 years or whatever. I would also encourage you to do your MPH or MBA work at the best inst possible where you can network and leave with credentials that are worth your expenses. Every time I sign online I am inundated with MPH and MBA programs emails  social media ads etc from every University 

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Yep I agree with above post.  Unless you know for a fact the job you want requires MPH (or whatever) I would recommend NOT going for it.  Most MPH I have seen are in academia.  In the end you are losing a year, whatever extra in loans, plus lost wages for a year, plus interest accruing on prior loans, and after all your hard work you are not seeing patients but doing paperwork for a while.  


The exception would be if you got a scholarship or had a clear picture that justified why you wanted it (instead of "it sounds/looks like a good idea").

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