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I posted this in FM specialty but was hoping to round up a few more opinions.  I have a nice FM job lined up however it has a few disadvantages including bad schedule and does not qualify for public service loan repayment.  I have something else on the table which is in urgent care at another facility that also says they like to teach, is hospital based, qualifies for loan repayment, and the salary is significantly more competitive.  The schedule is also much better, but the location is not as great.


Can anyone comment on the rewards of working UC vs FM and which is a better learning opportunity? 

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I'm 2 years out so maybe the seasoned pros would have better things to say, but it seems to me as a new grad followup might not be as important. Still OK to have that rotation mindset of early on just see and do as much as you can. Personally, loan repayment is huge to me, I won't work anywhere but nonprofits for at least the next 10 years because of it. How much further location-wise are you talking? Would the better schedule make up for a crappier commute?

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